SFI Virtual International Conference 2021

Date(s) - 7 Aug 2021
13:00 - 20:00

Virtual Meeting


While the COVID19 restrictions are slowly being lifted worldwide, things are still not quite back to normal so This years International Conference will once again be held virtually. The date for this event is set for Saturday the 7th of AUGUST! This will be held via Zoom, and it will be recorded, for later viewing as well.

THERE IS NO CHARGE to attend!! (Donations to ic@sfi.org are always welcome, though.)

Tentative start time is 1300 EDT / 1200 CDT / 1000 PDT / 1900 CET for this event.

Programming (tentative at the moment) includes:

EC reports

AB greetings

Fleet Annual Awards

Discussion panels

SFMC International Muster

Final Mission

and more to be announced soon!