“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.“
The USS Freedom (NCC-71817), a Galaxy-class Exploration Cruiser, is a chapter of STARFLEET International. The USS Freedom has a proud crew and a distinguished history that spans over the past thirty years. It was formed to help Star Trek fans who can not or do not want to attend meetings but still want to enjoy the friendship of other fans. This is accomplished by working on projects and staying in touch with members through correspondence (email, social media, etc.). The USS Freedom does not conduct regular in-person meetings.
The USS Freedom is designed for the STARFLEET member who can not or does not want to attend in-person meetings. We have members from all over the world, and try to stay in contact with them through e-mail and social media.
Like most other STARFLEET chapters, members of the USS Freedom hold ranks, and promotions are granted based on a points system which demonstrates how a member is active in the Chapter, Region, Fleet, and in their own community. Members of the USS Freedom may be as active or inactive as they choose. If a member only wants to sit back and read the newsletter, that’s fine.
If a member wants to get involved, there are many ways to do so: writing for the USS Freedom, Regional, and Fleet publications; artwork for these publications; writing letters; working on projects such as ship’s blueprints, care packages to deployed soldiers, etc.; recruiting; recycling stamps,cans, etc.; building models; or anything you can think of that your Department Chief, First Officer, and Captain approve.
I hope you enjoy your stay on the USS Freedom and if I can be of assistance, please feel free to contact me at command@uss-freedom.org.

Commanding Officer